I made a big decision this year to return to study after 19 years (writing that just made me feel old!) to complete my Visual Arts Honours year at La Trobe University Mildura campus.
While I've found it a challenge to balance work, family and Uni, I'm determined to do the best that I can in the time that I have.
I'll post more information about what it is that I am doing in coming weeks and months.
For the time being here is my inspiration for the day:

a cross made from palm leaves that belonged to my Nonno Francesco Cufari (my Mum's dad). They give out handmade crosses at Palm Sunday mass, which falls the week before Easter. Nonno tied these together with some nylon string that my Nonna Domenica crocheted and knitted with. My Mum found it at their house after Nonno died and recently gave it to me to use as it relates to my Honours year of study... but more on that in my next post!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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