Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The gum trees are flowering at our house,
And I have noticed a fanciful sight high up in the canopies.
Way up high in the tree tops, flitting from flower to flower, a rabble of butterflies has caught my eye... or so it seemed...

What has been even curiouser is that some of these butterflies have been flitting near the kitchen window at night, which makes me think that they could actually be moths (as you can see, I'm no entomologist!).  I've also noticed some of their listless little bodies outside the house during the day.  

The sight of these beautiful moths, and despite the fact they could actually be grapevine moths (not a friend to the viticulturists among us!) got me thinking about the fragility of life again (I have been a very pensive little poppet of late). 

I have began collecting the bodies of the dead moths with the possibility of using them for inspiration in a new artwork.  

While I'm no Deborah Klein, I have been feeling strangely inspired by their fleeting beauty; who knows what I'll come up with... we'll just have to wait and see.

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. ~Rabindranath Tagore


  1. have you ever followed the beautiful leaves around the garden and wonder what is installed for them in the hours to pass. What would thay see and pass, if thay could only see......

  2. I have a few times with Christian, its interesting to see their varying shapes, sizes and colours
